Submission guidelines
ALTeR Blog Submission Guidelines
The ALTeR Blog features contributions on the topics addressed by ALTeR. We welcome contributions from a broad variety of disciplines, including but by no means limited to contributions from the legal discipline. ALTeR accepts posts within the following topics:
1. Technology and Regulation
- Regulating Emerging Technologies: Balancing Innovation with Accountability
- Governing Artificial Intelligence
- Cybersecurity and Data Protection: Evolving Legal Frameworks in the Tech Age
2. Business and Innovation
- The Rise of Legal Tech: Innovation and Disruption in the Legal Industry
- Scaling Startups in a Regulated Environment: Innovation vs. Compliance
- Corporate Responsibility in a Tech-Driven World: Navigating Ethical Dilemmas
3. Sustainability and Technology
- Sustainable Innovation: How Technology is Driving Green Business Models
- The Role of AI and Blockchain in Tackling Global Environmental Challenges
- Regulating Green Technologies: Legal and Ethical Considerations
4. Law, Technology, and Business
- Data as a Commodity: Legal and Business Implications of Data Ownership
- The Role of Contract Law in Emerging Technologies and New Business Models
- Business Ethics in the Age of Disruptive Technology: Regulatory Perspectives
5. Innovation and Regulation
- The Role of Government in Fostering Innovation Through Regulation
- Antitrust Laws and Tech Companies
- Navigating the Regulatory Landscape for FinTech and Cryptocurrencies
6. Law and Sustainability
- Legal Challenges in Implementing Corporate Sustainability Initiatives
- The Role of Law in Advancing Circular Economy Models
- Legal Standards for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business Practices
7. Technology, Law, and Social Impact
- Regulating Big Tech: Ensuring Fairness, Trust and Access in the Digital Economy
- The Role of Technology in Facilitating Access to Justice
- Legal Implications of Automation on Employment and Human Rights
8. Innovation, Sustainability, and Business
- Corporate Sustainability Reporting: Business Innovation and Legal Frameworks
- The Role of Technology in Sustainable Business Practices
- Financing Sustainability Innovations: Regulatory Models for Green Business Growth
9. International Regulation of Technology
- Global Tech Regulation: Challenges in Harmonising Laws Across Borders
- Cross-Border Data Flow: Legal and Regulatory Considerations
- Trade Regulations in a Tech-Driven Global Economy
and others…
Please reach out to us if you have an idea for a relevant contribution that falls outside the scope of these topics.
Submission Instructions
- The blog posts shall provide high-level analysis, regulatory insights, practical perspectives, and technical and/or philosophical commentaries.
- We differentiate between:
- opinion pieces,
- research pieces, and
- current awareness pieces.
- All blog posts are to be written in English.
- The word limit for submissions is 2,000 words.
- Please, instead of footnotes, use direct links in the text.
- Blog posts are subject to an editorial review and will be handled on a continuous basis.