Explore our collection of research publications, peer-reviewed articles, and books that showcase our contributions to advancing knowledge in the field.

Research Focusing on AI, Blockchain, Crypto Assets
The Fallacy of Disclosure in the Time of AI
- Andhov, A. The Fallacy of Disclosure in the Time of AI in Hidden Fallacies in Corporate Law and Financial Regulation, 2025;
Navigating AI: What Do Lawyers Need to Know about ChatGPT?
When Compliance Diverges: Legal Interpretations and Tech Understandings
O. Kokoulina & A. Andhov, When Compliance Diverges: Legal Interpretations and Tech Understandings in Future-Proof Legal Services: How Innovation, Legal Tech and AI Have Been Reshaping the Legal Market (2025)
Research Focusing on Legal Tech
Computational Law
A. Andhov, Computational Law (2022)
Skills for ALL Future Lawyers
A. Andhov in Copenhagen Legal/Tech Lab
Research on Big Tech
OpenAI's Transformation: From a Non-Profit to a 157 Billion Valuation
A. Andhov, OpenAI’s Transformation: From a Non-Profit to a 157 Billion Valuation, Business Law Review 2025(1)
Research on Sustainability
How to Procure Sustainable Food and Include Farmers in Public Procurement? - Legal Constraints and Opportunities
M. Andhov, M. Kania & S. Mikulic, ssrn
Climate Change and Public Procurement: Are We Shifting the Legal Discourse?
M. Andhov & F. Muscaritoli (2023) in Mandatory Sustainability Requirements in EU Public Procurement Law
Research on Procurement
A Roadmap to Simplify Procurement?—The Potential of Visual Contracting in Australian and Danish Systems
Contract Law Principles in the Context of Public Procurement Law
M. Andhov & M. Kania, Contract Law Principles in the Context of Public Procurement Law (2024) PURPLE